April 7th

The wild daffodils have spoiled us this year with a long beautiful bloom! They will stay beautiful until the next weekend. Meanwhile moschatel blossoms as well, it is one of the least conspicuous spring bloomers, with small green flowers with a typical structure of inflorescence resembling a dice. The anemones are at their most beautiful now. On the slopes and in the valleys the bloom of the hyacinths has yet to begin, but on some plateaus where the sun can warm the soil, a more intense violet-blue colour gradually appears. There are plenty of spring flowers to enjoy: celandine, wild daffodils, anemones and bluebells. However, if you come especially for the fairytale atmosphere with the wild hyacinths, it is better to wait some time still. The forest is quieter during the week than at weekends. If you come by car: please take into account the changed traffic conditions. Note to photographers and filmmakers: the use of drones is not allowed in the forest.

2016-10-05T20:28:57+02:00April 7th, 2016|Flowering season 2016|Comments Off on April 7th

April 5th

The wood anemones are now blooming beautifully.
Some plateaus start having a light purple colour, signalling the very beginning of the fairy-like period. Many parts of the forest with wild hyacinths, especially in the valleys, however, are still completely green.

2016-04-07T15:21:34+02:00April 5th, 2016|Flowering season 2016|Comments Off on April 5th

April 4th

Wild daffodils have already spoiled the visitors with their beautiful large yellow flowers for over seven weeks. The yellow star-shaped flowers of celandine colours the sunny sides of the paths. The most notable spring flower at this time is the wood Anemone. On sunny days, large parts of the forest seem covered under a carpet of white stars. The beautiful time with flowering anemones is definitely worth a visit to the woods. Every sunny day you can enjoy spring in the forest.
Every day more purple blue flowers of wild hyacinths are opening. But they are still too few of them to colour the forest purple.

2016-12-24T16:07:43+01:00April 4th, 2016|Flowering season 2016, Geen categorie|Comments Off on April 4th

April 1th

The wild daffodils still bloom beautifully. Some of the plants have been in bloom for more than a month, so flowers begin to wilt. But in the meantime, the wood anemones are ready to fill large parts of the forest floor with white stars on sunny days. Every day there are more blooming bluebells. The higher temperature at the weekend will further stimulate the bloom, but it’s too early for a full blue forest. Let us first enjoy the beautiful bloom of the wood anemones.
Please note: from Monday 4 April the road works on the Nijvelsesteenweg start. Click here for information about the accessibility of the forest during the works.

2016-04-07T17:02:03+02:00April 1st, 2016|Flowering season 2016|Comments Off on April 1th

March 29th

Bluebells turn the forest green for now, with their long tapering leaves. There are some flowers already, but not enough to turn the forest blue.
If you, like many visitors, wish to take pictures of this magical setting, always keep in mind to stick to the paths. This makes a huge difference to preserve the flowers. All official trails are on the hiking map. If the forest ground is covered in leaves, this is not a path.
Sticking to the path, you will come along stunning places. On many places the flowers grow just next to the path, walk a bit further along the path, and you will see one beautiful setting after the other. Do not ever set foot on forest soil. Getting trampled on, and compaction of the soil, is the worst for spring bloomers. On these places, no flowers will grow any more.
So you too can play an important part in conserving this beautiful forest: sticking to the paths.

2016-12-24T16:07:43+01:00March 29th, 2016|Flowering season 2016, Geen categorie|Comments Off on March 29th

March 27th

The wild daffodils are now beautifully in bloom. If they do not get damaged by fierce downpours over the next few days, they will also be nice next weekend. Carpets of white flowers of wood anemones start to form, especially if the sun is shining. A walk in the woods gives you a wonderful spring feeling.

2016-03-29T11:44:35+02:00March 27th, 2016|Flowering season 2016|Comments Off on March 27th

March 26th

There is a new edition of the hiking map. The map is available for free. See at this page.
Monday 4 April, road works will start on the Nijvelsesteenweg.
In the first week of the Easter holidays, the wild daffodils will be the most striking spring bloomers. If you come from far away, especially to see the bluebells, it’s best to wait a bit for a visit to the forest. Some bluebells start to bloom, but there is no purple blue carpet of flowers in the forest at this moment.

2016-12-24T16:07:43+01:00March 26th, 2016|Flowering season 2016, Geen categorie|Comments Off on March 26th

March 24th

The daffodils are now at their most beautiful. Celandine, the other springflower with yellow flowers, blooms also beautifully. Everywhere in the forest, wood anemone flowers appear, like white little stars. But as with Celandine, they need the sun to open. When it rains, the flowers of celandine stay closed and the flowers of the wood Anemone hang down to keep their pollen dry. In the parts of the forest with bluebells, the green of their leaves is the predominant colour. With the softer temperature, blooming is gradually starting. But it is too early for a blue forest. The morning, when everything is still quiet in the woods, is the ideal time to observe roe deer. If you see a deer, it’s best to stand still and be very quiet. Then you have the chance that they do not run away immediately. Roe deer see every movement very well and they hear every sound with their big ears. The does are now pregnant. Dog-fanciers: keep your dog on a leash, so they do not hunt the deer.

2016-03-29T12:06:36+02:00March 24th, 2016|Flowering season 2016|Comments Off on March 24th

March 18th

From Monday 4 April till 30 July, there will be road works on the Nijvelsesteenweg. If you come to the forest by car in that period it is recommended to use Parking 1 Hogebermweg.
Better news is that next week the new version of the hiking map will be available. Just before sunrise and after sunset is “the blue hour”. A camera is more sensitive to the blue light than our eyes.

2016-12-24T16:07:43+01:00March 18th, 2016|Flowering season 2016, Geen categorie|Comments Off on March 18th

March 17th

Due to the colder weather in the last month the evolution of the bloom has come on the same schedule of the last few years. Many wild daffodils are still in bud. The most beautiful period for the daffodils will be the last 10 days of March. Wood anemones start to bloom, but the plants and flowers are very small still. The bluebells are forming leaves now. Some flower buds are discernible, but deeply between the leaves, well sheltered for the cold. Celandine blooms beautifully along the edges of the paths.
If you can come only once to the forest, especially to enjoy the bluebells, you must have some patience, and wait for the first warm days of spring. If you have the opportunity to come several times, you can already enjoy the forest and its spring flowers. In the morning, woodpeckers are drumming to proclaim their territory, jays keep guard, nuthatches sing, the roe deer enjoy the quiet of the morning.

2016-03-19T18:53:25+01:00March 17th, 2016|Flowering season 2016|Comments Off on March 17th
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