Flowering season 2020
info: in the central part of the forest, called ‘Paviljoen’, trees have been felled this year (wood extraction). Trunks and crowns are lying in various places in that part of the forest and there are piles of firewood along the trails. From 1 March to 30 June however, the wood extraction stops (“schoon” time) and the loggers are not allowed to continue their work. “Schoon” time comes from the German “Schonen” meaning ‘save’, ‘protect’. The “schoon” period helps to protect the vegetation (spring flowers), to ‘save’ and not to disturb the nesting birds.
Permission for commercial or professional photo shoots, with or without models, or film recordings must be requested via the box office. In the Hallerbos you must always stay on the paths, also when taking pictures and filming. The soil and vegetation are fragile and very sensitive to trampling.
The use of drones is not allowed in the forest.
The guideline concerning corona only allows walks in the vicinity of the residence. It is forbidden to come to the forest by car.
Enjoy a walk in your neighbourhood. This is to prevent the spreading of the corona virus.
Wild daffodils are flowering but starting to wither. Wood anemones are the most conspicuous flowers in the wood now. Lesser celandine with its yellow, star-shaped flowers can be seen on the edges, along the paths. A few blue bells start flowering on just very few places. The next cold days and nights will halt their growth.
There’s nothing as peaceful as an early morning in the forest, when even a roe deer might be seen. Last week’s showers have left their trace on the wild daffodils. The bluebell’s leaves colour the forest floor green, but there aren’t any flower buds or flowers yet.