Due to the cold, wet weather in the second half of February, growing slowed down. The wild daffodils are coming in bloom, but full bloom is to be expected in the second half of the month. The small yellow flower that resembles the sunrays is coltsfoot which blooms before the leaves appear. In the edges of the wood, white flowering Blackthorn bushes catch the eye. The first white flowers of wood anemone are flowering, they are still very small. The leaves of the bluebells pierce through the brown carpet of old beech leaves and give the forest floor a green touch. On the warmest places the first flower buds start to peep through the leaves. Roadworks on the Nijvelsesteenweg will have a significant impact on the accessibility of the forest from the beginning of April. More information will follow when available.
March 3th
info hallerbos2016-03-19T18:35:13+01:00March 3rd, 2016|Flowering season 2016|Comments Off on March 3th