The high air humidity enfolded the wood in a misty atmosphere in the morning. Wood anemones keep their leaves shut so as to keep their pollen dry. The low temperature slows down the bluebells’ flowering, as a result the flanks and the slopes stay ‘green’ with millions of bluebells’ leaves. It is these green leaves that are working hard these weeks to form new bulbs, and wherever these leaves are trampled, there will simply be no bluebells next year. So it is important to stay on the paths, even where there don’t seem to be any bluebells. Young bluebell plants look like ordinary blades of grass for the first four years of their life, they are destroyed in an instant by whoever leaves the path ‘just’ to take a picture.
The carpet of dead beech leaves may seem bare, but is in fact full of tiny young beeches. Also for these, it’s important to stay on the paths. Their first two leaves look like an elephant’s ears. Herb-Paris and Solomon’s seal adorn the edges of the paths here and there. The poles indicating the “bluebells walk” are ready to guide the visitors through the purple-blue fairy-like wood shortly. From the coming weekend on, the special arrangement with the free shuttle bus starts. But this weekend it is still too early to see the intensely flowering bluebells’ sea. When in the wood, pay attention to the access arrangements: pictograms show which path is for whom: walker, biker or horse rider. Being a walker or a biker, never ever go on the horse riders’ paths, they are not for walking or biking and it can be dangerous.