A sunny day, wonderful to surrender to the colours and the smells of the fairy-tale forest. The sea of bluebells is deep purple-blue in most parts of the wood now. Solomon’s seal is flowering. The city of Halle is doing an extra effort for the visitors and provides a second free shuttle bus on Saturday 22 April from 12 to 18.30 and on Sunday 23 and 30 April and Monday 1 May between 15 and 18.30. On Saturday there is the yearly ‘bluebell jogging’. If you want to enjoy the forest quietly, come on another day. For sure until the end of the month, every sunny day is fine to experience the magical spring in the wood. But stay on the official paths please. The bluebells’ leaves are making new flower bulbs right now. Wherever you step on them, there will be no new flower bulb and as a consequence there will be no new plant next year! If you step on forest soil where there aren’t any flowers, this soil gets more dense, and the seeds of the bluebells will not be able to sprout there as the tiny root that comes from this seed in September will not get through the hard soil. So you don ‘t give the new plants a chance.