Not all wild daffodils are in bloom yet. Fortunately, because those that have been blooming for about two weeks show the traces of the many rain showers. Where the sun can provide warmth on the forest floor all day long, the first small groups of flowering wood anemones appear. Along the edges of the paths, between their deep green heart-shaped leaves, the yellow ‘star-shaped’ flowers of lesser celandine emerge. Barren strawberry blooms in the forest edges. The blue flowers of small periwinkle are traditionally also among the first blooming spring flowers. The hazel trees have now finished blooming. The yellow flowers of the cornelean cherry , the flowering catkins of the willow and the snow-white flowers of the blackthorn now stand out in the forest edge. The flowers of the wood willow and blackthorn in particular are frequently visited on sunny days by bees, bumblebee queens and butterflies (red admiral, european peacock butterfly and common brimstone) that have hibernated as an imago (adult butterfly) and are looking for food (pollen and nectar). The leaves of the bluebells continue to poke through the dry beech leaves and ensure that the forest floor turns green little by little.