The wood anemones lay a beautiful white carpet of flowers in large parts of the forest. But then the sun must also be present, otherwise the flowers will remain closed to keep the pollen dry and when it rains, the pollinators (bumblebees, bees and hoverflies) will not fly through the forest. In the meantime, several spring flowering plants are blooming: cuckoo flower, common dog violet, lords-and-ladies, dog’s mercury and wood sorrel. Leaves emerge on shrubs and low trees: elder, hazel, blackthorn, hornbeam, maple and lime. In the parts of the forest with oaks where many other species also grow, this makes the view more difficult. In the areas with beech trees and on the flanks of the valleys where only bluebells grow, their narrow, still growing leaves are particularly striking and turn the forest floor completely green. There is no blue flower carpet yet. But on the plateaus, which are warmed by the sun all day long, you can already find blooming bluebells. The flower stems have yet to stretch and are still somewhat hidden between the leaves. Every week it is a different experience in the forest. Enjoy the blossoming spring.