The summer temperatures wake the trees from their hibernation. There is no stopping the beeches any longer. Yesterday only a handful of high trees were coming into leaf, today there are countless others as well. It is going very quickly now. Fortunately, the warmth helps the bluebells as well. The valleys and the flanks are fairy-tale-ish. The forest is wonderfully beautiful. A sea of fragile purple-blue bells and its fragrance, fill the forest. The shadows of the beech’ stems throw endless stripes over the bluebells. The coming days the beech canopy will get filled with pale green translucent leaves over the flowers. Nothing as peaceful as walking in a forest with fragile, soft spring colours. Another week or less to enjoy the game of light and shadow, and to walk in a living stained glass window. Once the sun can not reach the flowers any more, they will colour pale blue-grey instead of purple-blue.