The wild daffodils were not able to enjoy the warmer weather for long. Many flowers have been damaged by recent intense rain showers. The wood anemones are now the most striking spring bloomers in the forest. On a sunny day, their flowers fill the forest floor with countless snow-white stars. They continue to follow the sun to absorb as much heat as possible, which they use to attract pollinators to their stamens and pistil. Barren strawberry blooms in the light-rich forest edges. Goat willow continue to attract bumblebee queens and butterflies with their catkins. The white blossoms of the blackthorn are also popular. Small periwinkle blooms in the somewhat shady forest edges. Their relatively large blue flowers stand out among the dark green leaves. Lesser celandine provides yellow stars along the forest paths. And the leaves of the bluebells continue to emerge between and through the dry old beech leaves. And if you’re lucky, you can meet a roe deer.