Wood anemones are real sunbathers. They never lose sight of the sun, not for a minute. There is an increasing number of bluebells every day, colouring the wood blue-purple, even if most of them still have to start blooming. Countless flower buds are waiting for more spring warmth. If you can visit the wood only once, it is better to wait a while, as the wood is going to get more blue-purple. Some advice when visiting the forest: check the weather report, choose a sunny day, wear walking shoes, bring a bottle of water and a snack, as the fairy-tale wood will tempt you to stay longer than you planned. Ask for a walking map or take a picture of this map at an information board so as to find your way back and try to come on weekdays when it is more quiet. Do you love the forest? Then protect it, stay on the official tracks also to take pictures, do not throw away rubbish. This way you do not leave any trace and anybody coming after you can also enjoy this wonderful nature.