The sun! And there are the white stars of the wood anemones again. The bluebells enjoy the spring sun as well, there are new purple-blue flowers every day. The plateaus, warmed by the sun the whole day, are gradually changing into a purple-blue sea of flowers. But many bluebells do not even have their flower buds yet, especially the ones on flanks and slopes. The first fern leaves unroll and small beeches have some fresh green leaves. It’s worth the while to visit the wood on any sunny day now. Do take in account that the Hallerbos is a protected nature reserve with fragile and rare vegetation. It is not a park nor a recreation area. Respect it accordingly. Always stay on the paths. Also to take pictures. Bring a bottle of water and food. Good walking shoes are recommended. If you park your car, remember which parking you are on: all car parks are numbered. There are 45 km of official walking paths. This does not include the bridle paths, which are forbidden for walkers.